Your home should be your safe place, but is your inside air dangerous to your heath? We offer a variety of indoor air quality products, each of which target and combat numerous indoor air pollutants. Our indoor air quality products will help you maintain a clean and healthy indoor air environment, creating a safe haven for your family.

Air Purification

Air Cleaners

Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants as small as 0.01 microns. That’s 18,000 times smaller than the head of a pin. The higher the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), the more efficiently the cleaner removes particles. We offer air cleaners that range from MERV 10 to MERV 15 to meet…
Air Scrubber

Air Scrubbers Air Purifiers

Air Scrubber by Aerus® substantially reduces odors, visible smoke in the air, and microbial populations on surfaces, utilizing the patent pending ActivePure® Technology. ActivePure® Technology attaches directly to the HVAC system ductwork to remove air pollution, VOCs, surface contaminants, pet dander, odors and dust, resulting in a cleaner, healthier and more efficient home. ActivePure consists of a special…


Humidifiers work in tandem with your heating system to deliver desired humidity levels throughout your home. Maintaining proper humidity levels in your home is essential to maintaining indoor comfort during the winter months. Moderate humidity levels make you feel warmer at lower temperatures, which means you can set your thermostat lower without sacrificing comfort. Depending…


Too much humidity harms your immediate environment. Estimates suggest that the average family can produce over 11 liters of excess moisture every single day. While this affects the house in obvious ways, like mold, damp patches and spoiled surfaces, it also affects people’s health in more important ways, aggravating conditions like asthma, arthritis and rheumatism….


Ventilators bring fresh air into your home without losing heating or cooling energy. Their unique energy exchange system transfers the heating or cooling energy from the stale air being exhausted from your home to the fresh air the ventilator brings into your home. If your family suffers from allergies, ventilators are a much better alternative for…
UV Lights

UV Lights

Ultraviolet light kills bacteria and mold growing on your indoor coil before they are circulated throughout your home. UV lamps are installed near your existing indoor coil and work diligently to rid your home of the bacteria, viruses, mold and germs that impact your home’s health. We install 1 or 2 lights per indoor coil,…
Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which makes it extremely dangerous. CO detectors can protect your family from deadly carbon monoxide gas. Fuel-burning appliances such as oil and gas furnaces, gas water heaters, gas ranges and ovens, gas dryers, gas or kerosene space heaters, fireplaces and wood stoves are all sources of carbon…